Lafayette Tap Room Reunion Sunday April 28, 2024

On April 28 from 3:00 – 8:00 pm, we are proud to present a Lafayette Tap Room (LTR) Reunion at the Tacoma Preforming Arts Center (T-PAC). 

Your $15 Raffle ticket for a variety of prizes will also serve as your admission ticket to the day. Tickets ordered here will be available at the door.


(You can use Venmo, PayPal or any Credit card)

Ticket sales will be limited to 200 so everyone can have a seat if they want one. Seating is general admission at shared tables unless you make a reservation for 8-14 guests (with names or ticket numbers) by emailing by April 26.

Jack Civiletto and Donna Rose put together a great guest list….Tommy Z, Dolly Dee, Shaky Ray, Joe Zappo, Maria AurigemaPatti Parks, Jack McCardle, Rich Manzell, Speedy Parker, Dave & Jack Thurman, Sue Kincaid, Sam Guarino, Bobby Falk, Denzell Ward, Joe Skinner, Rod Nickson, Cindy Rheinhardt….and the beat goes on!!! Through the event, they will join the back band including Jack, Ray Hangen, Brent Minet, and Bob Ambrusko.

T-PAC is a multi-use center with unlimited possibilities as a performance venue. We reached out to the performers that were part of the fabric of the LTR.  We would love to celebrate the 15-year legacy together. In 2022 year we were fortunate to celebrate with the founders Joe Silvaroli and Bob McCarthy and their former staff.  We will forever miss Bob McCarthy and Ed Honek that let us all know where the party was. We were grateful that we got to spend that time all together and are looking forward to sharing the music we love with Joe this year.

The Tap Room left an indelible imprint on our souls and put Buffalo on the map as a center for Blues and Roots Music. We will be forever grateful to Joe and Bob for creating a space to enjoy music that was filled with laughter and camaraderie serving as premier venue for local, regional and nation touring musicians.

Jack Civiletto is organizing the musical portion of the day.  He will supply the back line and core band musicians as needed. 100% of the proceeds will fund Italian medical students to learn about American medicine, culture, and our way of life here in Buffalo while residing at T-PAC, thus also supporting our Arts Center. We would be honored if you could help us relive the joy we had years ago, and help continue the musical legacy.

Dave Scherrer, Jack Civiletto, T-PAC and others will have paper tickets for sale. You can buy tickets online here until Saturday at midnight and they will be waiting for you at the door. The raffle tickets will be good for general admission and for prizes; you do not need to be present to win. Food and beverages will be available for purchase, and there is plenty of room to dance.

If space permits, there will be tickets at the door, but we suggest pre-sales to avoid disappointment.